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volume 10 number 12 december 2005 TipSheet

Welcome to the December issue of MicroMetric's TipSheet.

This monthly newsletter is targeted at addressing the needs of our customers.

This month we'll conclude our series on Disaster Preparedness II.


Last month we covered information from the Small Business Administration on Disaster Preparedness This is a continuation and conclusion of that summary.


  • What if there was a prolonged power outage?
  • What if my key suppliers or shippers were shut down even though I am not?
  • What if my customer base suffered a disaster and no longer needed or could not afford our product?

    Purchase a backup generator to maintain full operations or critical functions such as refrigeration, lighting, security systems, and computer control in the event of a power failure.

    Have back-up vendors and shippers in place in case your primary ones are disabled. Set up relationships in advance and maintain them. Place occasional orders so that they regard you as an active customer when you need them.

    Guard against loss of your customer base by diversifying your product lines, sales locations, or target customers. Make it part of your annual plan to develop new customers, even if your current customer base seems fine. Make the time to do so.


  • What if my payroll, tax, accounting, or production records were destroyed?
  • What if my computer or computerized machinery was destroyed?
  • What if the local phone service were disabled?
  • Forewarned is forearmed, they say. How can I be forewarned?

    Make backup copies of all critical records such as accounting and employee data, as well as customer lists, production formulas, and inventory. Keep a backup copy of your computer's basic operating system, boot files, and critical software. Store a copy of all vital information on-site and a second in a safe off-site location. Make it a critical part of your routine to regularly back up files.

    Make pre-arrangements with computer vendors to quickly replace damaged vital hardware. Keep invoices, shipping lists, and other documentation of your system configuration off-site so you can quickly order the correct replacement components. Take care of credit checks, purchase accounts and other vendor requirements in advance so that the vendor can ship replacements immediately.

    Surge-protect all computer and phone equipment through power and phone lines. A power surge through a telephone line can destroy an entire computer through a connected modem. Invest in a surge protector that has a battery backup to assure that systems keep working through blackouts.

    Maintain an up-to-date copy of phone numbers, computer and Internet logon codes and passwords, employee phone numbers and other critical information in an accessible location. Develop an employee "telephone tree" to rapidly contact employees in an emergency.

    Don't assume that, just because it never happened before, it never will. Flooding patterns are changed by development: water, which runs off new streets and parking lots, may overwhelm nearby streams and surrounding land. Landslides and sinkholes may develop because of distant earth movement, natural or man-made. The creek by your building may be a tiny, placid stream that has never flooded, but a downpour may change it into a destructive torrent that destroys your building foundation. Plan for the worst.

    Copyright 2005, MicroMetric, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy in total, with this statement and copyright, is hereby granted.

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