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volume 5 number 1 january 2000 TipSheet

Welcome to the January issue of MicroMetric's TipSheet.

A year ago we started the TipSheet off saying it's 24 months until the start of the Millennium. Well, now for us propeller head computer types, it's only 12 months till the end of the 20th century, and the start of the third Millennium. Doing a little research, I'm surprised about the confusion: America universally celebrated the start of the 20th century at midnight, December 31, 1900. For an interesting article on the confusion, visit our web site at, and click on "Third Millennium?".

This monthly newsletter is targeted at addressing the needs of our customers.

This month we'll start a series of tips on Email.

Tip 296   SEND THIS ONE TO . . . Category:   EMAIL

When you want to forward mail to someone who might be interested in the topic, you have two choices: You can click Forward and then add a short message, or you can choose Mail, Forward as Attachment.

In the first case, the message is sent along with your explanatory note in the body of the new message. In the second case, the message is sent as an attachment and will retain its original formatting. It's just like attaching a Word document or a picture.


A reader writes "When I installed Outlook Express, I was able to import my messages from Netscape, Microsoft Exchange, and Eudora. However, I could not import from Microsoft Mail and News. Installation of Outlook Express erased MS Mail and News from my hard drive, leaving me no way to read my old messages. I downloaded MS Mail and News again, installed it, exported my messages to MS Exchange, deleted Mail and News, and then imported the messages from Exchange to Outlook."

So, if you're about to install Internet Explorer 4 and have been using Microsoft Mail and News, first export your messages from MS Mail and News to MS Exchange. Then after installing IE 4 and Outlook Express, import the messages from Exchange to Outlook Express. Phew!

Tip 298   MAIL DELIVERY Category:   EMAIL

Several readers have asked about transferring Outlook Express mail to another computer. Since you won't want to interfere with the mail files on the target computer, the best way may be to simply save the individual mail messages to a floppy disk. This will work fine as long as Outlook Express is installed on the target computer.

To do this, put a floppy disk in your floppy drive. In Outlook Express, select the message you want to copy and then choose File, Save As. When the Save Message As dialog box opens, make sure you're saving to the floppy drive, type in a name, and click Save.

Next, over at the target computer, place the floppy into that computer's floppy drive and double-click the message you want to read. Outlook Express will open with the selected message displayed.

If Outlook Express is not installed on the target computer, save the message files as TXT (text) files. To do this, select the message in Outlook Express and choose File, Save As. This time, when the dialog box opens, click the arrow at the right side of the Save As Type list box to expand the list. Select Text File (*.TXT). Name the file and click Save (again, make sure you're saving the message to the floppy drive). Now you can read the files on any computer by using a text editor, such as Notepad.

Tip 299   PASS IT ON Category:   EMAIL

A subscriber asks if we can describe a good technique for e-mailing links. Actually, Internet Mail makes sending links extremely easy. All you have to do is navigate to a site that you'd like to e-mail to someone and then click the Mail button and choose Send a Link. When the Mail window opens, add the recipient's address and type in any message you like. Click Send and you're finished.

Copyright 2000, MicroMetric, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy in total, with this statement and copyright, is hereby granted.

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