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micro_notes setup administrative responsibilities

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There are several steps in the Notification process that are the responsibility of the Client Administrative Primary Contact. These steps are listed below, with a description of each, along with a link to the proper form. We suggest you read the description first, then link to the form.

specify events authorized by group

Each Notification Event can be Authorized for any of the four Notification Groups (User, Operations, Financial, and Administrative).
Each Notification Event is initially given default assignments by MicroMetric.
If, after examining the form, you agree with these assignments, no further action is required.
However, if you would like to make any changes, please follow the directions on the form.
To block anyone from receiving a specific Notification Event, DO NOT authorize if for ANY Group.

Specify Events Authorized by Group 
			<img alt="More" src="image/arrow_right.jpg" width="15" height="15"  style="border:0"  />

assign users to notification groups

Once Event are assigned to Notification Groups, you should Authorize all Users by assigning them to a Notification Group. By default, Micrometric has assigned all Client Contacts as follows:

  • Primary Contact - Administrative
  • Technical Contact (if not Primary Contact) - Operations
  • Billing Contact (if not Primary or Technical Contact) - Financial
  • All other Contacts - User
You should review the default assignments and change them where appropriate - to Not allow Notifications to a Contact, DO NOT Authorize them to a Notification Group.

Assign Users to Notification Groups 
			<img alt="More" src="image/arrow_right.jpg" width="15" height="15"  style="border:0"  />

define default user notification schedule

This feature is under development, and is not available at this time.

default user notification schedule 
			<img alt="More" src="image/arrow_right.jpg" width="15" height="15"  style="border:0"  />

define your notification schedule

This task is the same as the one for all users.

Define Your Notification Schedule 
			<img alt="More" src="image/arrow_right.jpg" width="15" height="15"  style="border:0"  />