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MicroMetric TipSheet

The MicroMetric TipSheet is sent to our clients on a monthly basis, at no additional charge. It is targeted at addressing their needs. Most of the tips cover Windows 95/98/Xp/Vista operations, but DOS and networking are also featured. It frequently contains a Monthly special, featuring a computer related item - hardware, software, or services.

Archived TipSheets

The MicroMetric web site now has not only the TipSheet published tips but all of the unpublished tips that we have collected.

Archived TipSheet Index

TipSheet indexes

The TipSheet Indexes allow quick access to all of the Tips, both published and unpublished. The three available individual TipSheet indexs are shown below

Tip Number TipSheet Index
Category TipSheet Index
Synopsis TipSheet Index

TipSheet Subscriptions

To Subscribe to the TipSheet at no charge, click below, fill out the short form and e-mail it to us. The same form may be used to unscribe.

Subscribe/Unsubscribe TipSheet Index