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volume 2 number 2 1997 TipSheet

Welcome to the Valentine's issue of MicroMetric's TipSheet. This monthly newsletter is targeted at addressing the needs of our customers.

This month we'll continue a series of tips for the Windows 95 Explorer, the best and worst of File Managers.

Tip 62   Copy files using the Copy/Cut-Paste method Category:   Explorer

To copy files from one directory to another, first highlight the desired file(s) in the right pane. Right click on any highlighted file, and select the COPY option to copy or CUT option to move. The highlighted file names have been copied to the clipboard. Now, right click on the desired directory to copy the files to, and select PASTE. The file(s) have been copied from the clipboard. This method can also be accomplished by use of the menu (EDIT | CUT/COPY/PASTE), or the ToolBar buttons.

Tip 63   Copy files using the [CTRL]Explorer/[X]-[V] method Category:   Explorer

To copy files from one directory to another, first highlight the desired file(s) in the right pane. Press [CTRL] + [C] to copy or [CTRL] + [X] to move. The highlighted file names have been copied to the clipboard. Now, highlight the desired directory to copy the files to. Press [CTRL] + [V]. The file(s) have been copied from the clipboard.

Tip 64   Copy files using the Drag & Drop method Category:   Explorer

To copy files from one directory to another, first highlight the desired file(s) in the right pane. Right click on any of the highlighted files. Now, holding the right button down move the pointer to the desired directory to copy the files to. When there, let the right button up, and select either Copy or Move. The file(s) have been copied from the clipboard.

Tip 65   Copy files using the Sent To method Category:   Explorer

To copy files from one directory to another, first highlight the desired file(s) in the right pane. Right click on any of the highlighted files. Select SEND TO, and then select ANY FOLDER. Now, either type in the destination path, or click on BROWSE and select the desired path. Finally, click on OK.

Tip 66   Copy files using a second Explorer window Category:   Explorer

An option for any of the copy methods detailed above is to open a second Explorer window, using one window for the source and the second one for the destination.

Tip 67   Alternate method to select files for copy/move Category:   Explorer

An alternate method of selecting files for copying/moving is to use the FIND feature of Explorer. First select TOOLS | FIND from the menu. Next specify any desired selection criteria, then click on Find Now. Now you can select the found files and process them as desired.

Tip 68   Sort Explorer right pane Category:   Explorer

Want to have the right pane details sorted in a different order (The default order is by Name in ascending order)? Just click on the column heading you want to sort on (Name, Size, Type Modified). Want this sort in the reverse order? Just click on the column again, and the sort will be reversed.

Tip 69   Resize Explorer panes/right columns Category:   Explorer

Want to resize the Explorer panes or right pane columns? For the pane sizes, move the cursor over the pane divider, until it becomes a double-headed arrow. Press the left mouse button down and hold it, while dragging the divider to where you want it, then release the mouse button. For the right pane columns, move the cursor to the column headings and follow the same procedure. To save these settings, follow the previous tip (Tip 43) on savings Explorer options.

Tip 70   Adding an item to the Send To list Category:   Explorer

Would you like to add new items to your Send To list? Instead of finding the folder in a My Computer or Explorer window, take the quick route. Click Start, choose Run, type 'sendto' (no space) on the command line, click OK, and there's the open SendTo window. This technique works for any folder in the Windows folder or on your hard drive. (If a folder you want to open is buried in another folder, you'll need to type its full path to open it).

Copyright 1997, MicroMetric, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy in total, with this statement and copyright, is hereby granted.

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