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volume 2 number 4 1997 TipSheet

Welcome to the April issue of MicroMetric's TipSheet. This monthly newsletter is targeted at addressing the needs of our customers.

This month we'll conclude the series of tips for the Windows 95 Explorer, the best and worst of File Managers, and give several tips on Folders and Files.

Tip 75   Changing Explorer's display font Category:   Explorer

Want to change the font displayed in a Windows 95 Explorer window? Unfortunately, it doesn't work as it did in Windows 3.x's File Manager, where you could change the font without affecting anything else on your system. Explorer's font is determined by the icon font Windows 95 currently uses. So if you want to change Explorer's font, you have to be willing to put up with the change in every other window and on the desktop. Are you willing? Then click the desktop with the right mouse button, choose Properties, and click the Appearance tab. Select Icon under Item, choose a Font and Size, and click Apply. Keep changing it until you like what you see, and then click OK.

Tip 76   Moving up one level - a keyboard shortcut Category:   Explorer

If you have a folder window open on screen, you can get to the parent folder (the folder in which the open folder resides) by pressing the Up One Level icon on the toolbar (choose View|Toolbar to display the toolbar). But if your toolbar isn't showing, or you have a serious case of mouse aversion, you'll be glad to know there's another way: Press Backspace on your keyboard. The same trick works outside of Explorer. Click Backspace to move from the folder selected in the left pane to its parent.

Tip 77   Viewing the contents of a file Category:   Explorer

To view the contents of a file, right-click on it and Select Quick View. If that option doesn't appear, either Quick View is not installed or doesn't support the format of the file. To install Quick View, select Start | Settings | ControlPanel, and double-click on Add/RemovePrograms. Click on WindowsSetup, select Accessories, click on Details. Scroll down to QuickView and check it, then click OK. You'll be prompted for the installation.

Tip 78   Files/Folders definitions Category:   Explorer

These used to be directories and Program Manager groups. Now they're folders - Icons that hold documents, applications, and other folders.

Tip 79   Long file names Category:   Explorer

An end to hieroglyphics - now AUGVACRQ.DOC can become a comprehensible Vacation Request-August 1995. Just keep the file name to 255 characters or less.

Tip 80   Copy files using the Sent To method Category:   Explorer

If you frequently copy or move files to a particular folder, put a shortcut to it in the Windows\SendTo folder. Then, to move or copy a file, right-click it & choose Send To, followed by the desired destination.. If it's on the same drive, Windows will move the file, otherwise it copies it. To force a MOVE, hold down [SHIFT] when you select the destination; to force a COPY, hold down [CTRL].

Tip 81   Controlling move & copy with the mouse Category:   Explorer

Windows 95 has its own ideas about moving and copying, but who says you have to go along with them? There are two ways to break the rules so you can move and copy at will: Either use the right mouse button or remember your Ctrl and Shift keys. If you use the right mouse button to click and drag something, you always have a say in what happens next. Let go of your cargo, and in the menu that pops up choose Move Here, Copy Here, or Create Shortcut(s) Here. (Don't worry about which item is highlighted on the menu--that's just what Windows 95 would do if you didn't have the nerve to follow your own drummer.)

Copyright 1997, MicroMetric, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy in total, with this statement and copyright, is hereby granted.

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