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volume 2 number 6 1997 TipSheet

Welcome to the June issue of MicroMetric's TipSheet. This monthly newsletter is targeted at addressing the needs of our customers.

This month we'll continue with the series of tips for the Windows 95 Microsoft Power Toys.

Tip 86   PowerToys - FlexiCD features Category:   PowerToys

FlexiCD Icon. One of the icons you'll notice in the tray of your Taskbar is FlexiCD (the one that looks like a CD--if you don't have a CD in your CD-ROM drive, it will be covered by a red circle with a line through it). If you don't want this icon to appear whenever you start Windows 95, you'll need to remove its icon from your StartUp folder. FlexiCD provides you with audio CD control from the Taskbar. Insert an audio CD into your CD-ROM drive, and it starts playing (assuming you have AutoPlay capability--if not, you'll need to right-mouse click the FlexiCD icon and choose Play from Start). Click the FlexiCD icon once with the left mouse button to pause the CD; click it again to resume playing. Right-mouse click the FlexiCD icon to display the other commands it offers. You can switch to the next or previous track, select a track by number, or eject the CD, all from this menu.

Tip 87   PowerToys - Shortcut Target features Category:   PowerToys

Shortcut Target Menu Item. While some of the PowerToys appear on your Taskbar, others reside on the right-mouse popup menus of shortcuts and/or folders. Right-mouse click some items on your desktop, and you'll see these new menu additions. As its name implies, the Shortcut Target Menu is unique to shortcuts. Right-mouse click any shortcut and you'll see that a Target item has been added to its menu. Select it, and an entire submenu appears. All of these commands apply to the shortcut's target, or the icon to which it points. For example, Open Container opens the window holding the target file or folder. Previously, you had to open a shortcut's Properties dialog box, click the Shortcut tab, and click Find Target to get there. A little faster with this PowerToy, eh?

Tip 88   PowerToys - Send To menu additions features Category:   PowerToys

Send To any Folder Menu Item. While some of the PowerToys appear on your Taskbar, others reside on the right-mouse popup menus of shortcuts and folders. Right-click some items on your desktop, and you'll see these new menu additions. Send To Any Folder appears on both shortcut and folder menus. Right-click any shortcut or folder, choose Send To, and check out all the new additions to the list! Choose Any Folder to open the Other Folder dialog box, where you can type the name of the folder to which you'd like to send the item (or click Browse, pick a target folder, and click OK). Before clicking OK, choose Copy or Move, depending on your desired action, then click OK, and off it goes. In the future, that target item appears in the drop-down list under To:, for easy selection. To clear out the list, click Clear History.

Tip 89   PowerToys - Send To menu additions - Clipboard Category:   PowerToys

ClipBoard Menu Items. In our last tip, Number 88, we told you about the Send To Any Folder PowerToy. Right-click any shortcut or folder, choose Send To, and you'll see the Any Folder command, along with some other new additions. Two of these additions to the Send To list, Clipboard as Contents and Clipboard as Name, are especially useful if you need to copy a shortcut's path or its target's path to another location. Right-click a shortcut, choose Send To, and select Clipboard as Contents to send the target's path to the Clipboard; or choose Clipboard as Name to send the shortcut's path to the Clipboard. At your destination, press Ctrl+V to paste it in there, and you've avoided a lot of unnecessary typing.

Tip 90   PowerToys - Explore from here features Category:   PowerToys

Explore From Here Menu Item. Three of the PowerToys are unique to the right mouse menus of folders and drives--shortcuts or not. (We'll describe the commands for folders, but it's assumed they apply to drives as well.) Right-click the Start button or any folder on the desktop to display these commands, one of which is Explore From Here. Explore From Here does exactly what you might think--it opens Explorer with the focus on that folder's contents. But unlike right-clicking a folder and choosing plain ol' Explore, you'll have access only to that folder's contents. You can try Backspace, the Up One Level button, or the Go to a different folder list as much as you want--you won't go anywhere.

Copyright 1997, MicroMetric, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy in total, with this statement and copyright, is hereby granted.

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