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volume 3 number 4 1998 TipSheet

Welcome to the April issue of MicroMetric's TipSheet.

This monthly newsletter is targeted at addressing the needs of our customers.

This month we'll continue with a series of tips on the Internet.

Tip 169   Acronyms you have met Category:   Internet

You may not know all the Internet acronyms you encounter on a daily basis. Here's a short list of some of the more common ones:

Tip 170   Case sensitivity Category:   Internet

One thing to watch for when surfing the Web is that many servers run Unix and are case-sensitive. This means that `Index' and `index' are not the same. If you get an error message after you manually enter a name in the Address box, check the case.

Tip 171   Frame navigation Category:   Internet

When viewing multiframe Web sites, you can move between frames by clicking in the frame that you want to make active. You can also move to a new frame by pressing Ctrl-Tab.

Tip 172   Get to the bottom of it Category:   Internet

Don't you just hate it when you're viewing a lengthy Web page and the links are at the bottom? You don't have to scroll through the entire page to get to the links. All you have to do is press the End key. If you want to quickly get to the top of a page, press Home.

Tip 173   Go gopher! Category:   Internet

The Web isn't all there is to the Internet. Try Gopher, too. Gopher is a text-only service developed by the University of Minnesota. To check it out type into the Address box 'gopher://' and press Enter.

Tip 174   Make it your business-Scams Category:   Internet

Want to find out about the latest scams? The Better Business Bureau is online and offers information on scams and legitimate businesses. Go to

Tip 175   Saving web pages Category:   Internet

There are several ways to save a Web page. If you want to save the source code, choose File|Save As File and when the dialog box opens, click the down arrow at the right of the Save As Type list box to expand the list. Select Plain text (*.TXT) and then choose a destination folder. Assign a name to the file and click OK. If you want to save the page as an HTML file, select HTML in the Save As Type list box.

Tip 176   Searching for just the right phrase Category:   Internet

If you're performing a search on a phrase rather than several separate words, use a hyphen between the words. For example, `amateur-radio' will find more specific sites than will `amateur' and `radio.' Whenever you enter several words and get back some seemingly unrelated sites, try using a hyphen to see if that clears out some of the deadwood.

Tip 177   Speeding up internet logon Category:   Internet

Slow Internet login? Go into Dial Up Networking, right click on the connection of interest, then choose Properties. Under Server Type, make sure "Log on to Network" is NOT checked. Also make sure IPX/SPX and NetBEUI are NOT checked. These three items may either cause the connection to fail or take a long time to connect.

Tip 178   Tracing internet routes Category:   Internet

Want to find out what kind of route your system takes to get to a specific site? Try this: While logged on to the Internet, open an MS-DOS prompt and type 'Tracert,' followed by the URL you want to track, like this: 'Tracert' Press Enter. You'll get a complete report on your signal's route. When you finish with your tracing, type exit at the command prompt to close the MS-DOS window.

Copyright 1998, MicroMetric, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy in total, with this statement and copyright, is hereby granted.

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