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volume 7 number 1 january 2002 TipSheet

Welcome to the January issue of MicroMetric's TipSheet.

This monthly newsletter is targeted at addressing the needs of our customers.

This month we'll cover some items of Windows XP interest.

Tip 402   REPORT CARD: XP'S HITS AND MISSES Category:   WindowsXP

Here's a look at Windows XP first report card from the magazine PC World.



Tip 403   TASK MANAGER IN A FLASH Category:   WindowsXP

Windows' Task Manager lets you easily shut down hidden or troubled apps, check which programs are hogging memory, and analyze CPU usage. You may be a Task Manager aficionado, but you may not know the fastest way to reach the utility.

In Windows 2000 and XP, you can launch Task Manager by pressing [Ctrl]-[Alt]-[Delete] to display the Windows Security dialog box, then clicking the Task Manager button. Another, faster way to get Task Manager - without the three-finger salute to Redmond, is to simply right click an empty spot on the taskbar, and choose Task Manager.

And here's a trick to make Task Manager even handier: when Task Manager is running, it displays a tiny animated CPU-usage icon in the system tray (located in the lower right corner of the screen). You can hold the cursor over the icon for a moment to see CPU-usage percentage displayed in a tool tip.

Like this feature? Why not make Task Manager run all the time, by placing a shortcut to it in your Startup folder? Right-click the Start button and choose Open. Double-click Programs, then double-click Startup. Choose Start|Search|For Files or Folder, type "taskmgr.exe" in the top box, enter your start-up drive in the �Look in' box (for most people it will be "c:\"), and click Search Now. When you see the Task Manager program file listed in the Search Results window, right-drag it to your open start-up folder. When you release the mouse button, choose Create Shortcut(s) Here. Now right-click the new shortcut and choose Properties. Select the shortcut tab and choose Minimized from the Run drop-down list. Click OK. To keep Task Manager out of your way when you don't need it, double-click the shortcut to launch it, and in the menu bar at the top of the Task Manager window, choose Options|Hide When Minimized.

Task Manager will now start invisibly, but you'll be able to open its window anytime by double-clicking the CPU-usage icon in the system tray.

Copyright 2002, MicroMetric, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy in total, with this statement and copyright, is hereby granted.

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