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volume 11 number 4 april 2006 TipSheet

Welcome to the April issue of MicroMetric's TipSheet.

This monthly newsletter is targeted at addressing the needs of our customers.

This month we'll provide some information on an upcoming Microsoft Office workshop.


We often get advertizing material on seminars and workshops in computer related training. Usually the cost is too high, the duration is too long and the location is too far away (like Tampa). But when I read a recent brochure, I felt that this workshop might be of interest to many of our customers.

It's a one-day workshop on Microsoft Office, being presented by two well-known training companies, CareerTrack, along with Fred Pryor. Cost is $39 per person or $34 each for groups of 5 or more. The course, to be presented at the Sarasota Cay Club, 7150 N Tamiami Trail, from 9am to 4pm on May 17th, and will cover Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Access. Quoting their brochure:

"Go from user to �super user' in a single day! Here's your chance to see how Microsoft Office was meant to work and how to make it work for you:

  • How to compose at warp speed using AutoText
  • How to crank out routine letters and reports with just a few keystrokes
  • 4 easy steps to create awesome charts and graphs
  • How to create show-stopping slides, handouts, overheads, animation, and special effects in PowerPoint
  • The foolproof way to embed charts or import graphics into your Word document
  • Using mail-merge to personalize mass mailings
  • How to link data between applications so changes in one document automatically update others
  • Special toolbars � where they are, what they do, when to call them up" You won't find a faster, more productive way to learn how Microsoft Office can revolutionize the way you work. (Plus, you'll enjoy yourself in the process!) You'll see how to streamline antiquated procedures, implement new ways of managing tasks, and use a unique problem-solving strategy that delivers instant results every time.

    �Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day. Teach him to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime.'

    The same can be said of Microsoft Office training. Most software seminars give you the �fish' � a day full of tidbits and tips you can take back to work and experiment with for a while. Problem is, you usually forget all but the few you use regularly.

    This course, on the other hand, teaches you �how to fish.' You'll discover how to use Microsoft Office as it was meant to be used � as a problem-solver, a time-saver, a streamlined means to an impressive end. "

    For full information visit You can get a copy of the brochure at

  • Copyright 2006, MicroMetric, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy in total, with this statement and copyright, is hereby granted.

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