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volume 13 number 2 february 2008 TipSheet

Welcome to the February issue of MicroMetric's TipSheet.

This monthly newsletter is targeted at addressing the needs of our customers.

This month we'll conclude a series on tips on Great Programs You Didn't Even Know You Needed.

Tip 612   ClipMate Category:   Programs

ClipMate is like Spybot Search & Destroy in that you may have heard of it, or even used it. You've heard about it as a replacement for Windows Clipboard--and how exciting can that be, right? Wrong. Though it is a superlative replacement for Clipboard, think of it as an easily programmable database, and stop thinking of clips as mere pieces of data that you'll never see again once you've pasted them. The beauty of it is that you don't have to endure the data-entry drudgery that comes with most databases. Because 95 percent of the data you're likely to save in the ClipMate database is stuff you've been copying anyway, it's in the database automatically.

I use it to track the passwords, registration keys, license numbers, and other codes I need when I inevitably have to reinstall every program on my hard drive. When I get a code, usually in an e-mail, I copy it and paste it into the program waiting to be authenticated. Then a press of a hot-key opens ClipMate's database. Ctrl-R lets me rename the code to the name of the program, and I slide it over to a database table that I've named "Registrations," from which no entries can be deleted unless I say okay. ClipMate is constantly backing itself up, so I don't worry about crashed drives--at least not as far as my passwords are concerned. ClipMate also has tools for processing data.

You can join separate clips together, or break a single clip into many. It will not only strip away all the line breaks, codes, and formatting that cause problems when you paste them into different programs, but it will also check the spelling and capitalization while it's at it. With a little planning and choosing among options, you can have all of this happen automatically when you copy, cut, or paste. It speeds up, dresses up, and cuts down on your work without your giving it another thought.

To download(Free Demo Program, $35), go to:

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