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volume 11 number 8 august 2006 TipSheet

Welcome to the August issue of MicroMetric's TipSheet.

This monthly newsletter is targeted at addressing the needs of our customers.

This month's tip is targeted at Small Businesses and is about Business Cards.

Tip 572   BUSINESS CARDS Category:   Business

Starting up a business almost always involves designing and developing Business Cards. One popular approach is to go to a local office supply store, pick a standard layout and type-style and then wait for them to be delivered. The pros to this approach are low cost (about $20-$30/500)and the cons include:

Another method is design a business card and then have it custom printed. Pros include the ability to get the exact business card that you want, and cons include:
Both of these methods have additional short-comings:
A different approach is to use the computer and a laser printer (don't use an ink jet printer, as the ink will run when it gets wet) to produce your business cards. By spending a small amount of time up-front, you can design a business card template that you can use for everyone in the office. This template can be set to print on plain business card stock (Avery 5371), set for ten cards per sheet, or you can use stock with a variety of patterns and colors. Google "laser business cards" or visit for some ideas.

Using Microsoft Word or Corel WordPerfect, use an Avery label template, #5371. The Top Left should be set at 0.5" for the Top and 0.75" for the Left. Set all label margins at 0.125". Text may be placed vertically by the use of a text box. Industry or certification graphics can be used. Leave space for the employee information, such as name, title, email address, cell phone, home phone, etc. Once the layout is done to your satisfaction, it needs to be duplicated to the nine other cards on the sheet, if using the second method below.

There are two approaches to the employee information. The first is to have a document that combines both the company template and the employee information into a single document. The second is to have a separate document for the employee information, then print the business cards in two passes. The advantage of the first method is easier printing and no alignment problems while the second is that changes to the company information need be made in only one place.

For the first method, make a copy of the company template (it needs only the first business card defined), add the employee info, duplicate to the other nine cards and save with the employee's name and date.

For the second method, produce an employee template using the same paper/label setup as the company template and label it employee template. Enter and position the employee information in the document such that it will appear in the proper position when printed with the first document. Now, for each employee, make a copy of the employee template and save it suing the employee's name and the date.

If printing on the back of the business card is desired, create another template as you did for the company template.

Now, when an employee wants business cards, you can quickly print them in multiples of ten, assuring that the information is always current and not have to worrying about storing excess cards. Also, when a new employee joins the business, it's a few minutes work to create his template and print a supply of business cards for him or her.

Copyright 2006, MicroMetric, Inc., All Rights Reserved. Permission to copy in total, with this statement and copyright, is hereby granted.

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